
Managing Associate

Limita Lunde is a Managing Associate in Ræder Bing.

Limita Lunde is specialized in copyright law, labour law, privacy law and contracts, and she primarily advices Norwegian and international clients within the music industry. Limita regularly gives lectures and leads lessons at a number of educational institutions. She has extensive experience from the music industry, as a managing director of a record company, a music management and a concert venue. Limita has broad board experience.


  • 2009Master of Laws, University of Oslo

Professional experience

  • 2023 - 2024Senior Associate, Ræder Bing Advokatfirma AS
  • 2017 – 2023Associate, Bing Hodneland advokatselskap DA
  • 2019 – General Manager, Little Big Sister AS and Little Big Music AS
  • 2010 – 2019General Manager & Venue Booker, Parkteatret Scene
  • 2008 – 2009Trainee, Various law firms
  • 2007 – 2008Student Caseworker, The Norwegian Tenants’ Association
  • 2006 - 2008Student Caseworker, The Juss-Buss free legal aid clinic
  • 2024 - Managing Associate, Ræder Bing Advokatfirma AS


2014 - 2020 Styreleder, Musikkbyen Oslo

2016 - 2019 Board Member, MER Group

2014 - 2019 Board Member, Norwegian Live Music Association

2016 - 2018 Board Member, Jeunesse Musicales International

2016 - 2018 Board Member, Oslo Musikkråd

2009 - 2012 Board Member, The Norwegian Tenants’ Association

2007 - 2011 Board Member, Rettspolitisk Forening

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