Global mobility

Global mobility is crucial for international companies with employees working in Norway or abroad. This dynamic field requires up-to-date knowledge. Employers must comply with deduction and reporting obligations at the company level and fulfil responsibilities to employees and NAV (National Authorities for health, pensions and security) on international assignments. Our Global Mobility team includes specialists in labor, social security, retirement, tax and duties. The team collaborate closely with international lawyers and accounting firms to meet the diverse needs of both the company and its employees.


The lawyers in Ræder Bing’s Global Mobility team possess extensive expertise in both public and private issues related to global mobility. They continuously collaborate with international law firms and both Norwegian and foreign accountants to ensure comprehensive reporting at both the personal and company levels.

We can advise you on

- Employment contracts and policies.

- Hiring workers from temporary-work agencies

- Immigration or temporary appointment in Norway

- Immigration or temporary appointment abroad

- Registration of branch or incorporation of a subsidiary

- Application for D-number (personal ID-numbers)

- Assistance with ID check of employees at the Tax Administration

- Employee HSSE Card

- National and international personal taxation, including assessment of national tax legislation and international tax treaties

- International payroll reporting in cooperation with accounting firm

- Tax returns at person and company level

- Avoidance of double taxation

- Employer's national insurance contributions

- Social security and pensions

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