Henrik Holen provides assistance related to regulated- and capital markets, corporate law, contract law and M&A.

The assistance consists of project based and continuing assistance to most types of companies, including companies listed on regulated and unregulated markets in Norway, such as Euronext Oslo Børs and Euronext Growth. Henrik assists both well-established companies as well as start-up companies with most issues and topics within corporate law.

Henrik regularly assists in connection with various types of transactions and financing models, both for listed and unlisted companies, and assists with strategy, planning and implementation of such processes. In addition, Henrik has good expertise in contract law, and especially in contracts related to corporate law actions, issues and topics.


  • 2020Master of Law, University of Bergen

Professional experience

  • 2023 -Senior Associate, Ræder Bing Advokatfirma AS
  • 2020 - 2022Associate, Advokatfirmaet Ræder AS
  • 2020Trainee, Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS
  • 2018Trainee, Svensson Nøkleby Advokatfirma
  • 2022 - 2023Attorney, Advokatfirmaet Ræder AS

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