Labour Law wages for foreign posted workers

We provide insight into Norwegian Labour law.

Norwegian Labour law applies

According to the regulation for posting workers most of the Norwegian Work Environment Act (Arbeidsmiljøloven), as well as the Holiday Act and the Gender Equality Act apply.

Wages/ working hours

There is no general minimum wage in Norway. However some industry sectors have collective agreement made universally applicable.

The Government as a client

Even though there is no general applicable collective agreement in place it is a requirement to have contractual pay and working conditions that are as a minimum equal to the “applicable wage agreement”.

Overtime supplement

The provisions of the collective agreement concerning overtime are not generally applicable. The provisions of the Working Environment Act will apply unless a more favorable overtime supplement is agreed. Pursuant to the Working Environment Act, an overtime supplement equal to 40% of the hourly rate shall be paid.

However the supplement regulated in the working agreement are reach from 50 % to a 100%, it depends on the agreement.

Working hours

According to the environment act the working hours are limited per 24-hour day and per week. The working hours may also be regulated by the employment contract and by any collective agreements.

The normal working hours according to the Environment Act are:

  •  9 hours per 24 hours
  • 40 hours per 7 days

If the employee works shifts, nights or Sundays, normal working hours are 38 or 36 hours a week. The duration and disposition of the daily and weekly working hours must be stated in your employment contract. The employer is obliged to keep an account of the employee’s working hours.

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