Corporate Law

We regularly advise companies on the legal framework related to various company structures as a business grows or is forced to restructure. We assist with transactions and the decisions and processes related to funding and financing structures, equity transactions and capital increases and decreases. We also regularly advise on management, controlling bodies and shareholder issues.
Our lawyers are experienced negotiators should a dispute arise regularly litigate company law cases before the courts.
We typically advise in connection with
• Business start-ups
• Mergers and de-mergers
• Equity transactions
• Shareholders’ agreements
• Corporate Governance
• Investigations
• Shareholder disputes
• Shareholder rights
• Directors’ liability
• Board secretary functions
Meet the team
Contact us
Carl Garmann Clausen
Attorney-at-Law, State of New York
+47 958 75 090cgc@raederbing.noCeline Scheel
Managing Associate
+47 954 79 802hesc@raederbing.noIda Heldal
Managing Associate
+ 47 48 12 82
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