Marianne Røed works as a Managing Associate in Ræder Bing’s department for Property Development, Administrative law and Public relations.

Marianne has extensive experience and knowledge of political and juridicial intersections from pursuing a political career within the Norwegian Centre Party for a 10 year period before joining Ræder. She has earlier been Deputy Mayor in Ås council and Deputy Chairman for The Center Party in Akershus county.

In matters involving the public sector, it is crucial to have an understanding of both the political and public processes - and with her legal knowledge and her administrative and political background, Marianne has a solid basis for providing high-quality assistance to Ræder's clients.

Marianne is a graduate from the University of Oslo and started her legal career as an associate at the Association for tenants and has in addition worked as legal advisor in Vestby council.


  • 2017Attorney's license
  • 2010Master of law, University of Oslo
  • 2006Elective at the University of North Dakota

Professional experience

  • 2023 -Managing Associate, Ræder Bing Advokatfirma AS
  • 2022 - 2023Managing Associate, Advokatfirmaet Ræder
  • 2016-2022Senior Associate and Associate, Advokatfirmaet Ræder
  • 2010 - 2016Legal advisor, planning, building and geodata, Vestby council.
  • 2012 - 2013Associate, the Norwegian Association of Tenants
  • 2006 - 2010Legal co-worker at the Association of Tenants
  • 2005Scholary assistant, Insitute of Sociology of law, University of Oslo
  • 2003 - 2005Co-worker at "Law on Wheels", the law students' legal information service, Oslo


Political Positions

2018 - 2023 Deputy chairman, Akershus Senterparti 
2007 – 2015 Deputy Mayor, Ås council
2009 – 2011 Leader, Ås Center Party
2007 – Member of Ås municipal council
2007 – Group leader for Ås Center Party
2007 – Various positions in other boards, councils and committees

Other memberships

2019 - Deputy member of the board, Viken kommunerevisjon IKS
2020 - Board member Follo ren IKS

Member of the Norwegian Bar Association

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